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Visual Design: Meaning, Principles & Basic Elements

Visual Design Sep 9, 2022

Don't judge the book by its cover! This saying is popular because people naturally judge a book by its cover. Similarly, people judge a business or its products/services by the visual appeal of its website, app, or digital designs. In such a case, visual design is crucial in offering the best experience and impressing the users. In this blog, we will dive into what is visual design, the principles of visual design, and various elements of visual design.

So, what is meant by Visual Design?

The meaning of visual design is simple. It is a fine combination of graphic design and user interface (UI) design. Visual design is focused on enhancing a product or website's aesthetic appeal and user experience with various visual design aspects such as images, color, typography, space, and layout.

Aesthetics are only one aspect of visual design. Designers carefully place elements to create interfaces that improve user experience and drive conversion.

Principles for Creating a Visual Design

It is possible to create good design without understanding design principles. However, it may take a significant amount of trial and error to create something that both looks good and provides an optimal user experience.

In reality, there are about a dozen basic design principles that both novice and experienced designers should keep in mind when working on their projects. There are another dozen or so "secondary" design principles that are sometimes included as fundamentals.

Contrast, Balance, Emphasis, Movement, White Space, Proportion, Hierarchy, Repetition, Rhythm, Pattern, Unity, and Variety are visual design elements or principles. These visual design principles work together to create something aesthetically pleasing while also optimizing the user experience. Let's briefly discuss the 7 principles of visual design:


It guides the eye on the page to help it attend to the design elements in the order of their priority and importance. Notice however the title is larger than the copy? That’s visual hierarchy at work. Visual hierarchy is very important in style as a result of it defines the importance and sequence of parts at intervals a composition. It influences the order during which your audience views your content. Order will considerably impact comprehension, impact, and value. visual hierarchy strategically to draw in the viewer to the “whole” composition and leads them through its “parts” by making completely different levels of priority and intuitive flow.


Balance is to maintain the equal distribution of visual signals on both sides of an imaginary axis. Design balance is similar to physics balance.

In design, one must try to area visible factors in an aesthetically fascinating association, or precise association to satisfy a cause or attain a selected appearance and feel. There are 3 important kinds of balance:

Symmetrical Balance (formal)

Asymmetrical Balance (Informal)

Radial Balance


Scale refers to using comparative size to signal importance and rank in a composition. Be sure to emphasize the most important aspect of your design by making them larger. When the scaling principle is applied correctly and the right elements are highlighted, users can easily analyze the image and know how to use it. Scale is used to draw large objects like houses and furniture and is used to describe the dimensions of those drawn objects. Scaling can be used to create visual impact by creating a sense of depth and tension. In general, the largest element in a design draws attention first and signals importance.

Scale can therefore say a lot about how different elements of a design relate to each other.


Linear perspective is created by gradation of size and direction. Aerial perspective is created by grading the colour from warm to cool and the tone from dark to light. Gradation can enhance a shape's interest and movement. A gradation from dark to light draws the eye along a shape.


Gestalt principles capture our inclination to perceive the whole instead of the separate elements. Designers use the concepts to prepare content material on web sites and different interfaces so it's miles aesthetically attractive and smooth to understand.

Tip: Use these object perception principles to guide how users interpret your design.


One of the most common client feedback revolves around clients who say a design needs to "pop" more. While that may appear to be an arbitrary term, what the client generally means is that the design requires more contrast.

This refers to the comparison of visually dissimilar elements to convey the fact that these elements are different. Contrast is an important consideration when creating accessible designs. Inadequate contrast can make text content difficult to read, especially for people with visual impairments.

White space

The white space doesn't just sit and do nothing, it creates hierarchy and organization. Our brain naturally associates a lot of white space around an object with importance and luxury. It tells our eyes that objects in one region are grouped separately from objects elsewhere. What's even more exciting is that you can communicate a completely different image or idea than your main design that rewards your audience for interacting with it. The logo above uses active negative space to communicate multiple ideas in a fun and creative design.

The spaces aren't exactly the spaces. They are just the area on the canvas where there is no element. White space, sometimes called negative space, helps designers emphasize important information while separating different types of information. White space is one of the most important and important design principles.

Basic Elements of Visual Design

Let's discuss the basic elements of visual design used by the professional to elevate the design with beauty.


Lines do not just connect two dots but define shapes, create textures and make divisions between the section on a website or an app.


Shapes are important to depict the design style and sense with differences in texture, value, and colors.

Color Palette

Different colors and their combinations can make or break the visual appeal. Read more on types of color schemes to understand how they play an important role in visual design.


Typography concerns the chosen fonts, font size, alignment, spacing, and color.

Also Read: What is Typography: Everything You Should Know in 2022


Texture offers a peek into how a surface feels or how we perceive it. The texture is quite an important element in visual design to drive user experience.


The form is related to 3D objects and explains their mass and volume. The form is created with a combination of two or more shapes which are further improved by different tones, textures, and colors.

What is main purpose of visual design?

Visual design aims to enhance the aesthetics and usability of a design or product through consistent images, typography, space, layout and colors. Visual design is more than just aesthetics. The designers carefully placed the elements to create an interface that optimizes the user experience and drives conversions. A user's first impression is usually formed in 50 milliseconds. This fact reflects how instinctive the design is to an emotion, a user's first impression, or an instinctive response to a design. If they don't like what you show them at the crucial moment, they will walk away. Visual design is often thought of as another term for user interface design. It is a combination of user interface design and graphic design, but it has its own place in the world of digital design. What people see on the screen is more important than how everything works on the screen.


A successful visual design does not detract from the page's content or function. Instead, it improves it by engaging users and fostering trust and interest in the brand.

Visual design is essential when you try to think beyond the traditional concepts of beauty and aesthetic appeal when designing. Visual design focuses on increasing website and app usability through strong and continuous interaction. Visual designers strive to provoke delight and emotions in the users, eventually creating impactful user experiences.

To strengthen brand perception, visual design principles can build trust and strengthen brand perception. To understand how visual design works and its basic elements, visit ProAlley Courses such as Adobe Illustrator Essentials and get in touch with our experts to gather detailed knowledge.

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